A Service Request is a general type of project information that includes change requests, defects, research items, support requests and other types of requests.
Change requests are an important part of all projects, and by nature are often directly related to system requirements. Hence, being able to link them directly to one or more requirements, or other types of project information is essential for full traceability and collaboration.
When a test case is failed, being able to immediately create a linked defect is essential for efficient testing and defect resolution, which results in a defect type of Service Request.
This is where Projectricity excels.
Service Requests support the following:
Assigned to
Reported by
Work-around description
Root cause, diagnosis, resolution
Customizable multi-value checkbox
Automated versioning
Learn more about the common collaborative features most of the tools all share
The main screen in each tool is a powerful reporting interface allowing users to save custom views.
Link virtually any data item to any other for comprehensive project-wide traceability.
The "before" and "after" value of each changed data field is recorded and is reportable.