Creating a complete test plan for all key requirements is essential for high confidence testing and project deliverables. Projectricity test plan templates consist of test case templates, allowing test plans to re-used for each regression test. Test case templates can be linked to the requirements they support. This results in full traceability between requirements and test cases, test case results and even to related defects in the Service Request tool.
Test plans and cases support the following:
Object or plan focus
Primary tester
Test object / item
Test case name
Test Pre-requisite
Test procedure
Expected result
Actual result
Pass / Fail
Learn more about the common collaborative features most of the tools all share
The main screen in each tool is a powerful reporting interface allowing users to save custom views.
Link virtually any data item to any other for comprehensive project-wide traceability.
The "before" and "after" value of each changed data field is recorded and is reportable.